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Monday, September 21, 2009

Creativity through DANCE!!!!!!

Two days ahead from Founders Day i.e Monday, I am informed that I have to perform for Wednesday's Founders Day function in the auditorium. At first I was delighted of the fact that I got the opportunity of performing, but it seemed quite impossible to make it happen in two days. Creating a performance is not an easy task because in order to do a good performance, it is time consuming to choreograph the item, find the appropriate costume and a good track. So being aware of all these facts I decided to step back and withdraw myself from this function, but then I thought to myself this chance I got was a rare one and I should not let that go in vain.

So I decided not to give up and started to prepare myself to give a rocking performance for the function. So that Monday evening I was busy running around to find a proper track for my item. I decided to present a traditional Sri Lankan Kandyan dance for the function as the school expected from me. So I finally found the perfect song for my item that evening which gave me a little bit of relief but from where is the costume going to come from? Now that kept worrying me because it was impossible to create a costume for a traditional item within two days. But I was not very worried about choreographing the item as I knew I could do it and confident about myself. So by the end of Monday I only had the track and a few steps created with me and the worry of the costume.

Fortunately I had good news on Tuesday, I finally found a costume too =). Thanks to my cousin sister she was able to lend me one of her beautiful costumes. So with that gratefulness in mind I carried on with my choreography. I spent that whole night dancing, twisting, turning and creating steps.
Finally the dawn of the big day came and I was very nervous because it was going to be my first solo performance in front of a large crowd, as I have never performed all by myself before. So with the help of my mother I groomed up myself with a little bit of stage make-up and wore my glamorous costume. So now I am waiting at the corner of the stage till my turn comes and as I was standing there I was very nervous because I was not familiar with that stage and I couldn't practice there before the actual performance so the only question running in my mind was "Will I do the steps properly in order?". Here comes the big moment. With Ms.Williams wishing me, "Break-a-leg!", I got on stage and took my position in the black-out. I could see the whole audience staring at me amidst the dark and here starts the music. I started to dance with a big smile on my face remembering my dancing teacher who always said, "Never dance with a frowning face, be pleasant to your audience and SMILE. Even if you are scared don't show it from your face, always be GRACEFUL". And yes I had that advise in my mind and followed it and I tried to recall the steps while dancing.

After a performance of nearly 5 minutes, I got off stage. And I was over joyed as I did not make a single blunder even though the stage was unfamiliar. I knew the audience liked my performance from the applauds and cheering I received from them. I will never forget that day of my life and the performance I gave as it was appreciated by everyone, my teachers, my friends and my principal in fact my friends were amazed to see me on stage that day because they never knew I had the talent of dancing within me until that day. After all that hard work I put into the item, it payed off very well at the end with everyone appreciating and giving me good comments about the performance.