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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

summer goals - CONTINUED

Goal NO.3 - To take piano lessons
As I used to play the piano in my childhood days due to some reason it stopped, although I always wanted to continue for the love of music. So this summer was a great opportunity for me to fulfill this long term yearning of mine. With the help of fellow OSC students, Sandini and Nadeera in Grade 10, I found a renowned music teacher in Sri Lanka, Mr.Duleep Gabadamudalige to take piano lessons from. I have been taking a couple of lessons lately however I look forward to learn good music and accomplish my piano skills.

Lesson learnt - Do what you want and enjoy and make your dreams come true!

Delegates, Please maintain the decorum of the house!!!

MUN experiences

CO-MUN 2010 (Colombo Model United Nations)
This was my first ever Colombo Model United Nations Conference even though I had attended Sri Lanka Model United Nations Conferences previously. As this conference is organised from OSC itself, I was proud to represent the delegation of the host school. The delegation of OSC was guided through the elective program last year on Wednesday mornings. In order for the preparation of the conference we did research on relevant topics based on various countries mainly focusing on the issue of HUMAN TRAFFICKING as it was the official theme of the conference. We also had practice debates and guest speakers briefing us on the process year long. Finally it was the three days of conference. I must say this was a very competitive experience as there were so many other students (over 500) representing other leading schools in Colombo. The delegation of OSC was distributed to different committees and we had to debate in our own committees.

Learning Experiences - Competitiveness is one big lesson I learnt. Also being spontaneous and coming up with instant debates to argue was a challenge. Being confident and articulate to a larger audience was crucial. Last but not the least DIPLOMACY AND MODESTY are the two most important things to be successful and survive in the conference. This was also a very good avenue for me to achieve my CAS objectives and that is to improve my speaking skills and learn debating and diplomacy through MUN.

ACHIEVEMENT of summer goals!!!

Goal NO.1 - To learn how to drive (A-ccelerator B-reak C-lutch)
As I turned 18 this summer I became a legal adult and that gave me the ability to apply for driving liscence so the very first interesting thing i learnt during summer was learn how to drive. With the guidance of a lady instructor (Ms. Soma Wettasinghe), after 15 driving liscence and having faced the written exam here I am with my 'L' boards. So now I am only one step away from getting my liscence that is to successfully complete my practical exam (on the 18th of October) which is also the most crucial and important exam in order for me to get the liscence and then I'll become a legal driver of Sri Lanka.

Lesson learnt - I truly did learn alot of things through driving like patience, control and ethics which also helped me to apply them in normal day to day life.

Goal NO.2 - Riding a bicycle
Yes I have a confession to make that is, "I didn't know how to ride a bicycle all these years." So with the determination of riding a bicycle, first of all I got myself a new mountain bike as I didn't have one. With the excitement and constant struggling of getting the balance my first two days were not very successfull and fun. But I didn't give up, I kept practising constantly every evening and as they say "Practice makes Perfect", I'd be proof for it.

Lesson learnt - Having determination and not give up in life. Also to have balance in life and keeping in mind the famous quote "Practice makes Perfect"


So this summer I had a couple of goals to be achieved i.e
1)To learn how to drive
2)To ride a bicycle
3)To take piano lessons